How to Become a Sterile Processing Technician in Wyoming

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Do you know that you can join the medical field with your high school diploma?

The easiest profession you can consider in Wyoming is to become a Sterile Processing Technician.

These professionals are an integral part of the medical field.

They provide services such as cleaning, decontamination, and sterilization of medical equipment to promote patient safety.

Sterile processing technicians are in demand across different healthcare industries in the state.

This guide helps you understand the measures to become a sterile processing technician in Wyoming.

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Steps to Become a Sterile Processing Technician in Wyoming

The sterile processing technician program might be good for you if you want to join the medical field without spending a lot of money on education.

Wyoming does not have requirements for one to become a sterile processing technician.

The employer chooses the qualifications they want for one to join this sector.

Unlike in other states, Wyoming does not directly control or oversee the operations of sterile processing technicians.

You are not compelled by law or any state board to register as a sterile processor, apply for a license, or renew your credentials.

When you decide to become a sterile processor, you’ll not undergo the same procedures as primary healthcare providers like nurses and doctors.

One of the easiest methods to become a sterile processing technician is to join a company and receive on-the-job training.

All you need is to have a high school diploma or GED qualification to get employment as a trainee technician.

The main advantage of this method is that you will gain hands-on experience and the necessary knowledge and skills required to perform different tasks as a technician.

Alternatively, you can enroll at different institutions that offer certificate, diploma, or associate degree programs for one to become a sterile processing technician.

However, once you get the necessary education and training, you need to get certification to improve your job prospects.

Schools that Offer Sterile Processing Technician Training in Wyoming

Different schools offer sterile processing technician programs in Wyoming.

Ashworth College Ashworth College 

Ashworth College offers a diploma that costs $999, and it can be completed in six months.

The sterile processing technician training is divided into five categories, which cover infection control and other critical medical terminology.

Upon completion of the coursework, you will have the necessary knowledge and skills required to perform your work as a technician.

Eastern Wyoming College Eastern Wyoming College 

Eastern Wyoming offers a diploma that takes 12 months to complete.

One is supposed to complete 400 hours of training to gain hands-on experience to pass the training.

The course costs $895.

Laramie County Community College Laramie County Community College 

This college offers online and full-time sterile processing technician programs that take 12 months to complete.

The coursework is offered by highly trained instructors. 

Penn Foster Penn Foster 

Penn Foster offers a comprehensive career diploma that takes two months to complete.

Depending on the number of credits you are studying, you can pay as little as $59 per month or $899 to complete your course.

MedCerts MedCerts 

Medcerts provides video-based training for sterile processing technician courses.

The program takes 14 weeks to complete, and the total tuition is around $4000.

School Name Address
Ashworth College 5051 Peachtree Corners Cir Suite 200, Norcross, GA 30092, United States
Eastern Wyoming College 3200 W C St, Torrington, WY 82240, United States
Laramie County Community College 1400 E College Dr, Cheyenne, WY 82007, United States
Penn Foster 14300 N Northsight Blvd #125, Scottsdale, AZ 85260, United States
MedCerts 13955 Farmington Rd, Livonia, MI, United States

Getting Certified in Sterile Processing in Wyoming

There are different ways you can consider getting national certification in Wyoming including the following:  

You can get certified via the Certification Board for Sterile Processing and Distribution (CBSPD).

To achieve this, you must have at least one year of experience working in a related field.

You also need to pass the exam administered by the board.

Additionally, you must have a GED or high school diploma, complete about 400 hours of lab experience, pass the background check, pay the exam fee, pass the drug test, and pass the licensing exam.

Once you are certified, you should remember to renew your certification every year after the first five years.

Work in a field related to sterile processing, do the central service sterile processing technician program, undertake an allied health program that is related to sterile processing for six months, or you can work in the sales area in a field related to sterile processing to gain experience.

Get certified through the International Association of Healthcare Central Service Material Management (IAHCSMM).

You should first become a member of the organization to access training material that helps you complete the certification exam.

You need to renew your certification every year by continuing your education.

Take a national certification exam offered by the Healthcare Sterile Processing Association (HSPA) in Wyoming.

The exam covers medical terminology and subjects like infection control.

You will also be expected to complete 400 hours of work-related training to gain experience when you pass the exam.

The certification you will get is called the Certified Registered Central Service Technician (CRCST).

Salary for Sterile Processing Technicians in Wyoming

A sterile processing technician in Wyoming earns an average annual salary of around $39,440, which is almost similar to the national average salary for sterile processors. 

The salary earned by sterile processing technicians is determined by their experience, education, and location in Wyoming State.

Sterile Processing Technicians play a crucial role in the healthcare sector.

They are responsible for sterilizing and decontaminating medical equipment to ensure patient safety.

A career in this profession is rewarding since the services offered by sterile processors are in demand across the health sector in Wyoming.

It is easy to join this profession since you must only have a GED or high school diploma to start your career.

Annual Salary Range:
Annual Salary by Location:
Location Avg. Annual Salary
Cheyenne $41,670
Casper $42,494
Laramie $41,606
Gillette $40,506
Rock Springs $42,377
Sheridan $42,920
Green River $42,377
Evanston $42,377
Riverton $41,814
Cody $42,920

Frequently Asked Questions

What do you need to become a sterile processing technician in Wyoming?

The minimum requirements to pursue a career in this profession include a high school diploma or GED.

Although certification is not required, it gives technicians some added advantages.

Why is this career important in Wyoming?

Sterile processing is an indispensable component in the healthcare sector across Wyoming.

It involves decontamination and sterilization of medical equipment to eliminate germs and pathogens that can cause diseases.

Are there job prospects after completing the course in Wyoming?

Once you complete the sterile processing technician training in Wyoming, there are several career opportunities you can consider.

You can start at the job entry level and improve your education and skills to achieve your dream goals.

Sterile Processing Technician Info by State

Jamie Willis
Career Specialist at BecomeopediaHi, my name is Jamie Willis, and I have been helping students find their perfect internships and education paths for the last ten years. It is a passion of mine, and there really is nothing better than seeing students of mine succeed with further studies.

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