How to Become a Sterile Processing Technician in Oklahoma

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Are you looking for a rewarding career in the healthcare industry but want to avoid years of schooling?

If so, a career as a Sterile Processing Technician in Oklahoma could be the perfect choice for you.

This crucial role is all about ensuring the cleanliness and sterility of medical equipment to ensure it is ready for patient care.

In this guide, we will take a look at how to become a Sterile Processing Technician, the salary rates, and some frequently asked questions.

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How to Become a Sterile Processing Technician in Oklahoma: An In-depth Guide

Becoming a Sterile Processing Technician in Oklahoma is actually a very easy and straightforward process.

You can expect to follow the steps below on your journey to career success in the industry.

While you don’t need a certification to gain a job as a Sterile Processing Technician, the steps below will ensure a long and successful career.

Educational Requirements:

Most Sterile Processing courses will ask you to either provide a GED or a high school diploma.

While you don’t need certification to work in the industry, a certificate can significantly increase your chance of finding a job and is highly recommended.

You may also be asked to complete a drug test and background check depending on the individual program.


While certification isn’t always mandatory for finding a job in the Sterile Processing Technician industry, it is a good idea to seek out this extra education.

The Certification Board for Sterile Processing and Distribution and the Healthcare Sterile Processing Association offer certification exams that will help you learn and also boost your earning potential.


You will need to complete on-the-job training or internships if you go through a program.

During your training and experience period, you will learn how to properly clean, and sterilize medical instruments and equipment via the strict guidelines.

You should take the chance to learn wherever you can whenever you’re offered a chance to upskill or learn.

Find a Job:

Now, you can find a job.

You can easily hand in your details to hospitals and other healthcare facilities in Oklahoma.

This also allows you to network with like-minded professionals.

The job you settle on will also determine your salary rates.

Sterile Processing Technician Training Programs in Oklahoma

As stated above, it is crucial to have a high school diploma or the equivalent, a GED.

You will not be accepted without these things.

Some opportunities may arise for you to become employed without prior certification, but certification ensures longevity and success in this career field.

If you want the best out of your career and to take it as far as possible, it is a good idea to become certified.

Some available programs include:

  • MetroTech in Oklahoma offers a Surgical Technology program. While not exactly sterile processing, it is very similar and will help you gain experience working in operating rooms, assisting with procedures, cleaning equipment, sterilizing equipment, and stocking supplies. It is done via classroom instruction and hands-on clinical experience. It will require you to undergo 1230 hours of education and costs start at $3,075.
  • Moore Norman Technology Centre offers an in-depth Surgical Technology program. On top of the usual things, you will learn about scrub-in procedures and operating room assistance. Students will work in local hospitals and must be accompanied to high-stress environments. It will require you to undergo 1300 hours of education and costs start at $4,757.
  • Oklahoma State University offers an online Sterile Processing Technician program that will immerse you in the industry. With close support from an instructor, you will learn the important steps and tasks of a Sterile Processing Technician. It will require you to undergo 12 months of education and costs start at $2,795.

Salary Rates in Oklahoma for Sterile Processing Technicians

The rate for Sterile Processing Technicians in Oklahoma can vary depending on your location, experience, location, and where you work.

However, entry-level technicians will often earn roughly $34,000 annually on average.

As you upskill, gain more experience, and network, you will be able to find salary increases.

Senior technicians can earn upwards of $78,260.

The more you upskill, learn, network, and gain experience, the more successful you will be in your career.

Annual Salary Range:
Annual Salary by Location:
Location Avg. Annual Salary
Oklahoma City $41,402
Tulsa $43,165
Norman $41,130
Lawton $38,569
Broken Arrow $43,029
Edmond $41,266
Muskogee $42,757
Enid $40,994
Mooreland $39,509
Stillwater $40,994

Regional Salary in Oklahoma

Region Employed Avg. Annual Salary Avg. Hourly Pay Top 10% Annual Salary Bottom 10% Annual Salary
Oklahoma City, OK300$39,610$19.04$49,560$31,020
Tulsa, OK150$37,310$17.94$46,780$29,680
* Salary information based on the May 2022 Occupational Employment Statistics (OES) Survey for Medical Equipment Preparers, OCC Code 31-9093, BLS.
* Employment conditions in your area may vary.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there specific regulations for Sterile Processing Technicians in Oklahoma?

While there may not be state regulations, you will need to adhere to federal and industry standards in accordance with equipment sterilization and infection control.

Is on-the-job training for Sterile Processing Technicians necessary in Oklahoma?

Yes, it will usually be required in order to gain practical experience and learn about the specific equipment and procedures in this line of work.

How long does it take to become a certified Sterile Processing Technician in Oklahoma?

The length of time it can take to become a certified Sterile Processing Technician in Oklahoma can vary greatly depending on what path you take and your prior education.

It can range from only a few months to a year or more depending on which path you take to kick off your career.

Can Sterile Processing Technicians in Oklahoma work in other healthcare settings or only hospitals?

As a Sterile Processing Technician in Oklahoma, you can find employment in various healthcare settings.

This includes surgical centers, hospitals, dental clinics, and outpatient facilities.

You will play a crucial role in maintaining sterile conditions where medical equipment and instruments are used.

What key qualities and skills should a Sterile Processing Technician in Oklahoma have?

When becoming a Sterile Processing Technician in Oklahoma, your aim should be to possess very strong attention to detail, the ability to work well in a team, immense organization skills, and a loyal commitment to maintaining high standards of both safety and cleanliness in the workplace.

This is absolutely crucial when working as a Sterile Processing Technician.

Sterile Processing Technician Info by State

Jamie Willis
Career Specialist at BecomeopediaHi, my name is Jamie Willis, and I have been helping students find their perfect internships and education paths for the last ten years. It is a passion of mine, and there really is nothing better than seeing students of mine succeed with further studies.

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