Fortunately, students who graduate with a biology degree have more Jobs for Biology Majors than just teaching or going to medical school, although those can be amazing careers, too.
If you are passionate about life, the origin of species, evolution, you are in the right place!
You will have a wide range of professional opportunities among which, surely, you will find your passion.
It is an important factor before making the decision, we will tell you what are the professional opportunities of the Biology career and a series of professional opportunities that could be at your disposal.
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Jobs for Biology Majors
Opportunities can always appear where you least expect them and, many times, they are less conventional and more versatile than we imagine.
Some of those listed below are pursuing their studies to pursue a specialization through master’s or doctorates.
However, we will try to highlight the most common professions that a person with a Bachelor’s degree can find.
Professional Career in the Health Field
One of the specialties of applied biology is in the health field.
Another professional opportunity in biology is to practice in clinical laboratories in different fields.
A sanitary biologist can carry out all the activities of the clinical, laboratory, centers of human reproduction, and of public health, animal or plant.
These areas can be assisted reproduction, nutrition, or dietetics, as well as the agri-food and environmental sector, genetic counseling, among others.
This specialty is ideal for the Internal Biologist, Resident in Clinical Analysis, Clinical Biochemistry, Immunology, Microbiology, and Parasitology or Radiopharmacy.
There are a wide variety of competitive examinations for graduates in Biology, which are related to fields as varied as nutrition, dietetics, human reproduction, animal and plant health, biological anthropology, and medicine, among others.
The most relevant positions are:
- Biochemist reproduction technician
- Laboratory technician
- Genetic counselor
- Specialist in the bioethics health field.
In the Field of Research
It is another of the great exits that biology has; Know, discover, and innovate.
Something as exciting as it is difficult to make a living from it.
Doctors in Biology are in high demand nationally and internationally, but this area is not an easy path.
If you like challenges, you can have the satisfaction of being a researcher in universities, foundations, public bodies, non-profit organizations, or in R&D departments of companies, universities, and hospitals.
The Agricultural Field
If you are interested in planning and optimization for consumption, you can work in the agricultural industry, study genetic improvements and the reproductive performance of plants and animals.
Also, the cultivation, reproduction, and conservation of species of all kinds (from microbes to animals) has a commercial side that can lead to job opportunities.
In this area, you can be in the area of Biochemist Reproduction technician Laboratory technician Genetic counselor Specialist in the bioethics Agricultural field.
Works for an environmental company.
It may be a nonprofit or for-profit organization, helping protect the environment is a great way to put your biology degree into practice.
Through biology, you can contribute to the conservation of our planet and the species that inhabit it.
And in this sense, you can become an environmental professional in sectors such as the restoration of the natural environment, studies on agricultural, urban and industrial pollution.
Also carry out impact evaluations, waste management, the cultivation, reproduction, and conservation of species of all kinds (from microbes to animals), natural resource management, or in sectors such as land management, conservation, and control.
If you are interested in planning and optimization for consumption, you can work in the agricultural industry, study genetic improvements and the reproductive performance of plants and animals, you will have the opportunity to work as:
Food Safety Expert, Conservationist, Botanical Fish Farmer, and Horticulturist.
Academic Field – Teaching
To teach!
Do you love biology?
You probably do it because you had an amazing mentor who introduced you at some point during your education.
Pass that passion on to someone else and make a difference in children’s lives.
However, biology is taught at all educational levels, from high school to graduate school, and a biologist’s scientific training always gives him an advantage over other candidates when it comes to teaching the scientific method or even the epistemology of science.
You can work as a primary teacher, secondary teacher, university teacher, specialist trainer, and everything related to academia and If full-time teaching is not your thing, consider giving private lessons.
Nor is it necessary to be a professor or have a Ph.D. to work at a college or university.
See what departments they are hiring that can put their training to work.
As a biologist, one of the great job opportunities is teaching, both regulated and non-regulated, and taught in public or private centers.
Pharmaceutical, Agri-Food And Chemical Industry
If you’re interested in medicine, but you’re not sure if medical school is your thing, consider working for a pharmaceutical company.
Your experience in biology can be leveraged as you work to create products that will improve the lives of many people.
Here is born a professional with responsible tasks in technical, production, and quality management areas, from chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology, toxicology, physiology, pharmacology, epidemiology, and other scientific perspectives.
In the pharmaceutical, Agri-food, and chemical industries, there is always a place for a biologist, especially in the technical, production, and quality management areas.
Information And Disclosure
It is the professional in the management and organization of companies that perform management tasks or senior management experts in business areas related to the training and profession of the marketing and trade biologist of all related products and services.
Making science available to the non-specialist public is one of the most rewarding tasks there can be.
Can work as a medical illustrator, scientific advisor in museums, zoos, aquariums, editorials, press, communication offices can be the space for a communicative biologist.
With this, we make it clear that a biologist can not only work in his field, but in many others, both at a public and private level. It is important to note that the more updates and courses your resume has, the more work options will be.
We hope that our short summary of all the excursions that a biologist can choose has helped you a bit.
Now you will be more comfortable looking for your ideal job, and you will be able to develop professionally.
With this we finish, hoping to have given you enough ideas to start investigating, and without pretending to want to cover all possible exits.
What do you think of this list of Jobs for Biology Majors?
Did you know them all?
Have any of you been surprised?
Have you thought about choosing any of those paths? Find to balance your professional skills with those that most define your personality.