16 Pros and Cons of Being a Florist

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Few jobs are all roses and sunshine, but being a florist comes pretty close.

Spending your day surrounded by fresh blooms that you get to artfully arrange in decorative containers makes life seem pretty rosy.

As you explore careers, you might be thinking that flower arranging looks perfect, but there are a few downsides to every type of job.

Taking a look at the reality of being a floral designer helps you make an informed decision about pursuing this career.

Pros of Being a Florist

1. You Will Get to Help People Celebrate Special Occasions

There is something special about being able to help someone enjoy a big moment.

As a flower designer, you will make arrangements for people to give to their loved ones on birthdays, anniversaries, and holidays.

You might even get to play a part in creating wedding arrangements that transform ceremonies into magical events.

When you spend your day surrounded by people who are excited about upcoming events, you can’t help but feel happy yourself.

2. You Can Start Your Own Business

Many floral designers start off working for a small local business and eventually work their way up to opening their own company.

Or, you might be able to start your own business if you have already developed your skills as a flora designer.

Either way, owning a business gives you control over how you spend your day, and you can look forward to knowing that you are in charge of your destiny.

3. Most People Work Daytime Hours

The majority of flower shops are open during normal business hours.

You might prefer this type of career if you need to be home in the evening to care for your children or another loved one.

Some people also crave the stability of knowing that they will work the same set of hours each week.

While flower shops are often open on weekends, you will rarely need to work beyond five or six o’clock.

4. You Can Work In a Low-Stress Environment

Flower shops do have deadlines since customers need their arrangements made in time to use them for their special occasions.

But, you will not face some of the pressures that you would in other work environments.

Florists are not typically called into tense corporate meetings, and you will not have to worry about working in a noisy or crowded environment.

Instead, you will quietly be able to go about your work while listening to the quiet hum of music in the background or chatting with your coworkers.

5. You Will Get to Express Your Creativity

Working with your hands is relaxing, and seeing the results of your hard work is satisfying.

People who do well in this type of job are those who enjoy creating temporary works of art that highlight the beauty of each season.

If you have always enjoyed making floral arrangements at home, then you will likely find that stepping into this role is a seamless transition that allows you to continue to express your artistic vision.

6. You Can Start With On-the-Job Training

When the thought of trudging through four more years of school makes you shudder, a career as a florist might be right for you.

Florists frequently begin their careers by receiving direct training from their supervisors.

Although you might still take design classes outside of work, the majority of your skill-building will be on the floor of a flower shop.

This makes this position ideal if you dislike academic work or prefer to start a career without sacrificing hours of your life in school.

7. You Spend Your Day Surrounded by Beautiful Flowers

The majority of work environments are fairly stark, and some people dread the idea of being stuck in a concrete jungle.

Flower shops are a stark contrast to boring warehouses or corporate offices.

You will be able to work in a brightly lit environment that is filled with colorful flowers and other decorative elements that make going to work feel cheerful.

8. You Get to Know People In Your Community

Most flower shops are local businesses that attract customers who live nearby.

As you work in the shop, you will serve in a role that many people consider to be a part of their neighborhood’s charm.

Seeing people from your neighborhood each day helps you to make personal connections that enhance your satisfaction in life.

Celebrating special occasions and offering sympathy during times of loss helps you to develop bonds with people who are from all walks of life in your community.

Cons of Being a Florist

1. Handling Flowers Can Trigger Allergies

Some people are not physically capable of working as a florist.

Pollen allergies could cause you to sneeze and wheeze so bad that you cannot perform your job duties successfully.

People with mild allergies might be able to treat their symptoms with medication, but you will need to opt-out if you need to have a severe reaction to flowers.

2. Holidays Can Get Busy

Most of the time, you can work at a comfortable pace to create breathtaking arrangements.

However, there are multiple times during the year when the pace ramps up, and you might find yourself toiling harder than you thought was possible.

The wedding season tends to be the busiest, but there are also the winter holidays, Valentine’s Day, and Mother’s Day when you may need to work well into the evening hours to get everyone’s orders completed.

3. Customers Often Expect Perfection

Brides are known for being extra particular about their floral arrangements.

Many people who order flowers are experiencing a once-in-a-lifetime event that raises the stakes.

While you might strive to do your best, flowers are naturally fickle.

A rough batch might arrive that was exposed to too much sunlight or not enough water, and you will have to figure out how to make do.

Being unable to meet a customer’s high standards may be out of your hands, but you will still have to deal with their complaints.

4. Floral Design Skills Are Hard to Transfer to Other Careers

With some careers, you develop skills that you can use to move into a different field.

For instance, someone with knowledge of the technology industry might go into consulting.

The skills that you learn as a floral designer are not as sought after by other industries.

You can somewhat mitigate this problem by focusing on developing your sales and management skills within the shop.

5. Promotions Are Scarce In the Industry

Floral designers tend to hit the ceiling pretty fast in their industry.

You might be able to move up from a cashier to the head designer or manager, but that is usually as far as it goes unless you work for a major chain.

If you plan on opening your own shop, then this might not be much of an issue.

Being an entrepreneur is the ultimate promotion that you can set for yourself.

6. You Can Sometimes Face Job Insecurity

Flowers are one of those extra expenses that people can easily drop out of their budget during economic downturns.

For the most part, you can expect to always have orders, but they can quickly drop off during a recession or problem in your local community.

For example, many brides and grooms are planning smaller weddings today, which can mean that they need fewer arrangements.

If a floral shop is not getting enough orders to justify their staff, then they may need to lay off a few people.

As a flower shop owner, experiencing a sudden lack of income could also lead to you needing to shut down your business.

7. People Tend to Think of the Job as Low Skilled Labor

You should be proud of what you do, and it feels amazing to see the gorgeous arrangements that you create for someone’s special day.

But, not everyone will have a great appreciation for all that you do in your career.

People do love florists, there is no doubt about that, but you may also encounter people who do not get all of the hard work that you put into your arrangements.

At times, you might need to explain to people the complicated process that goes into balancing the arrangement with the proper colors and types of blooms.

8. Some Orders Are Emotionally Challenging

Weddings and other happy events are what people tend to focus on when they think about making flower arrangements.

Unfortunately, not all of our orders will be associated with joyful occasions.

Many orders for flower arrangements are for funerals and other celebrations of life that might make you feel sad, especially if you are familiar with the person that is being honored.

Viewing your role as bringing some brightness to a dark time can help you overcome your negative emotional reactions.

Pros and Cons of Being a Florist – Summary Table

Pros of Being a FloristCons of Being a Florist
1. You Will Get to Help People Celebrate Special Occasions1. Handling Flowers Can Trigger Allergies
2. You Can Start Your Own Business2. Holidays Can Get Busy
3. Most People Work Daytime Hours3. Customers Often Expect Perfection
4. You Can Work In a Low-Stress Environment4. Floral Design Skills Are Hard to Transfer to Other Careers
5. You Will Get to Express Your Creativity5. Promotions Are Scarce In the Industry
6. You Can Start With On-the-Job Training6. You Can Sometimes Face Job Insecurity
7. You Spend Your Day Surrounded by Beautiful Flowers7. People Tend to Think of the Job as Low Skilled Labor
8. You Get to Know People In Your Community8. Some Orders Are Emotionally Challenging

Should You Become a Florist?

If you have always loved flowers and enjoy celebrating special occasions, then this career might fit your personality.

Although it helps to already have some creative skills, you can also learn how to make arrangements while you are on the floor.

While you might face limited opportunities for you to transfer to a different field, you can get a glimpse of your future happiness as a florist by thinking carefully about if you want to open your own business or just enjoy a comfortable job that gives you personal satisfaction.

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Jamie Willis
Career Specialist at BecomeopediaHi, my name is Jamie Willis, and I have been helping students find their perfect internships and education paths for the last ten years. It is a passion of mine, and there really is nothing better than seeing students of mine succeed with further studies.

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