How To Get An Internship

There are at least 91% of companies that prefer to hire college graduates with work experience over those without any work experience.

About half of these companies prefer to hire college graduates with work experience that tends to come in the form of internships.

To put it another way, getting good grades and a college degree don’t mean much anymore. You will also need professional experience after college in order to get a great job after college.

You have come to this page because you are interested in finding out how you can land that all-important internship to get you started on the path to your future career. Does that sound about right? Fortunately, the process isn’t as intimidating as you might think.

If you are a college student or not, keep reading to learn how to get an internship. In whatever career you choose, internships are a great way to achieve your dreams, and some of the largest companies treasure interns. 

The Tips To Getting An Internship

Understanding Your Position

As a first step, you’ll have to choose which industry you’d like to try or what skills you’re interested in learning before you start looking for an internship. It is very important that you follow this rule when applying for any kind of job, especially when gaining experience.

Take some time to reflect on why you chose your major. How did you plan to pursue your career path when you chose your major? Did your interests change since you chose your major?

Those are a few of the questions that you must ask yourself before you start applying for any job, as you must be sure within yourself that this is what you are meant to be doing.

You can learn how to get internships in the specific field you decide to try once you have chosen the industry you want to get into further.

Almost every career path offers an internship program in some form or another, and every single company tries to hire new interns every year, and so your job is to become one of those interns.

If you are interested in researching what career paths people with the same major pursue, you can also do a search online. For instance, if you are doing an internship for a chemistry major, then look at which internships are in that field and you might spot one that appeals to you.

Consider your past work and academic experience if you are still unsure of what type of internship would be best for you. For instance, what kind of skills do you most pride yourself on? Where would you like to expand your knowledge?

 Look For Internships In The Right Places

If you decide what type of experience you would like to gain and what kind of industry you want to work in, you can begin your search for employers who are looking for interns. It is a good thing to know where to look, because if you do, you will find many different opportunities. 

Online job sites are an excellent place to look for employment opportunities. Internship listings are always available on websites like Indeed, Glassdoor, and Monster,

but there is a lot of competition surrounding these job listings. There is no doubt that this is one of the easiest methods, but it is not necessarily the most effective.

How To Get An Internship

There are several great resources available to you through your college or university’s career center. When they’re in search of interns, some companies will directly contact college career centers when they’re looking for them.

It’s a great place to look for a job since there is a smaller pool of competitors than on general job sites, so you’re more likely to have a successful application. There are often job postings on campus bulletin boards. There is always something new to see on the campus bulletin boards. 

Remember to attend career fairs on campus if you haven’t already. There is a good chance that you will be able to meet a variety of employers in person and may consider companies you may not otherwise think about.

In the event that you apply, you will be more likely to get the job, especially if the hiring manager remembers meeting you

It is also a good idea to look at social media in order to find more information. If you want to see opportunities without constantly checking their corporate websites,

make sure to follow your dream companies on LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. As well as that, you will have the opportunity to get a sense of the company’s culture and consider whether it is the right fit for you. 

In addition, it’s important to mention what kind of internships you’re looking for to your friends and family. The cousin of your roommate or the best friend of your uncle might be able to point you in the right direction to find that perfect internship.

Opportunities are all around us, all you need to do is pay attention and be open to new possibilities. 

Prepare Your Resume And Previous Work

In order to be considered for an internship, you will always need to submit a resume and, in most cases, a cover letter. It is also important to follow the instructions in the posting so that you are aware of how the company wants your application to be submitted.

You should advertise your experience in your resume and explain why you’re the right candidate for this internship in your cover letter.

You don’t need to worry if you don’t have enough experience to write your first resume because you don’t need it. Start with a template and go from there.

Due to the fact that you are a student, you should emphasize your academic achievements as well as your GPA, any relevant classes, and class projects.

Even if your part-time jobs aren’t directly related, you can list them on your resume. Employers are likely to look for soft skills like customer service, time management, and communication. Soft skills were rated as more important by 57% of employers than technical skills or hard skills.

How To Get An Internship

When you’ve finished drafting your resume and cover letter, it’s time to visit the career center of your university to have it reviewed by someone who can give you feedback.

It is important to have a LinkedIn account if you do not already have one since it shows you are thinking about the future after college.

This is a great way for you to build a network and to show off your projects and awards as you work on them. Additionally, some applications ask for the URL of your LinkedIn profile, so if you have one already, then you will be prepared for that. 

There is no doubt that many employers will look at a potential intern’s personal social media accounts, so be sure to leave out anything you wouldn’t be comfortable with your mother seeing. You can also edit your privacy settings in your social media accounts. 

Getting An Interview

There is a high level of competition for jobs and internships and hiring managers often receive hundreds of applications for each position available. Only 2% of those who apply are invited to interview and it is your job to be one of those.

You should be pleased if an employer asks you for an interview. If you are asked for an interview, it means you are on their short list of candidates they are considering. Nevertheless, the work is not done for you yet – you need to convince them why you are the best candidate for the job.

It is absolutely normal to be nervous on the day of your interview. In the same way that learning to drive a car or writing an academic paper is a skill, interviews are skills too.  Therefore, practicing and preparing for an interview are essential steps towards your success. 

You should also research the company as much as possible. Find out what their upcoming projects are and what news they are spreading.

You will demonstrate your interest in the internship through your knowledge, plus you will feel more relaxed during the interview. Be sure to dress professionally and arrive 10-15 minutes early for the interview. Take a few copies of your resume, a pad of paper, and your confidence. 

In The Aftermath Of The Interview

If you do not receive a response within 24 hours, email your interviewer as soon as possible. Tell them how much you enjoyed your meeting with them,

tell them how enthusiastic you are about the internship opportunity, and how thankful you are to have met them. It may be helpful to ask them one more question you overlooked during the interview. 

It’s a good idea to send one more follow-up email if you haven’t heard anything from them after a week or two. There could be instances where a larger company, as well as a small organization that is short on staff, would find the process longer than expected. 

You don’t have to worry if your internship application was unsuccessful this time around. Take the time to learn from the internship process you went through, and then apply again for an internship at a new place once again.

Final Thoughts

With the help of this guide, you will be able to understand exactly what it takes to eventually get an internship and how you can prepare yourself for the process.

While this can take some time, you will learn more about different aspects of the process as a result of this.

We strongly recommend you take your time with each section of the internship process so that you give yourself the best chance at being successful.

Jamie Willis
Career Specialist at BecomeopediaHi, my name is Jamie Willis, and I have been helping students find their perfect internships and education paths for the last ten years. It is a passion of mine, and there really is nothing better than seeing students of mine succeed with further studies.

4 thoughts on “How To Get An Internship

  1. Trevor Daniels says:

    Attend career fairs, and industry events, and connect with professionals on LinkedIn. Building relationships can lead to valuable internship opportunities.

  2. Mary Weaver says:

    Research and target companies that align with your interests and career goals. Tailor your applications to each organization to demonstrate your genuine interest and fit for their culture.

  3. Rica Spencer says:

    Persistence pays off. Keep applying, following up, and refining your approach. Landing an internship can be competitive, but your determination and enthusiasm will set you apart.

  4. Jon Peters says:

    Don’t underestimate the value of informational interviews. Reach out to professionals in your desired field, ask for advice, and express your interest in internships. Their insights can be invaluable.

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